The Land Transportation Office (LTO) imposes fines and sanctions in events of violation, be it driver-, plate-, or registration-related. It’s an important list to have as we are sure that almost everyone, regardless of how law-abiding or rowdy you are as a driver, has been caught by traffic enforcers at least once. Whether it’s due to an illegal turn, or for beating the red light, we are sure even you have a story to tell about a traffic or road violation you once committed and how much of a hassle it has been.
With this guide, we offer you a list of violations, fines, and penalties that you may face during your daily drives. May this guide help you find clarity and make you a more aware and hopefully, wiser driver.
Table of Contents
Here’s a complete list of LTO violations, along with its corresponding fines and penalties:
1. Driving without a valid driver’s license or conductor’s permit, as well as driving:
Fine: Php 3,000.00
Penalty: Unlicensed or improperly licensed driver will be disqualified from acquiring a driver’s license and driving a motor vehicle for one (1) year after the payment of the fine.
2. Driving a motor vehicle used in the commission of a crime
Fine: Php 10,000.00
Penalty: Upon conviction, the driver’s license will be confiscated and revoked and the driver shall be perpetually disqualified from being granted a driver’s license and driving a motor vehicle. The vehicle will also be impounded until ordered to be released after the payment of appropriate fines and penalties.
3. Commission of a crime in the course of apprehension
Fine: Php 10,000.00
Penalty: Upon conviction, the driver’s license shall be confiscated, and revoked and the driver shall be disqualified from being granted a driver’s license for five (5) years from the date of payment of appropriate fines and penalties. The vehicle will also be impounded until ordered to be released after payment of appropriate fines and penalties.
4. Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs and/or similar substance (Section 12, R.A. 10586)
Penalty: Confiscation and suspension of non-professional driver’s license for twelve (12) months after payment of the appropriate fines and penalties (first conviction). Perpetual revocation of non-professional driver’s license (for second conviction). For professional driver’s license holders, confiscation and perpetual revocation for first conviction applies.
5. Reckless driving, including driving a motor vehicle:
Fine: Php 2,000.00 (first offense), Php 3,000.00 (second offense), Php 10,000.00 (subsequent offense)
Penalty: The driver’s license shall be suspended for a period of three (3) months (for second offense) and six (6) months (for third offense) and revoked(for the succeeding offense). Drivers with revoked non-professional driver’s license are also disqualified from being granted a new license for two (2) years.
6. Submission of fake documents in relation to the application for a driver’s license (New/Renewal)
Fine: Php 3,000.00
Penalty: The driver’s license will be put on alarm and revoked and the driver will be disqualified from getting a driver’s license and driving a motor vehicle for one (1) year from the payment of the fine.
7. Failure to wear the prescribed seatbelt device, including:
Fine: Php 1,000.00 (first offense), Php 2,000.00 (second offense), Php 5,000.00 (third offense)
Penalty: Suspension of the driver’s license for one (1) week from the payment of the fine (for third and each succeeding offense).
8. Failure to require his/her passenger/s to wear the prescribed seatbelt device (Section 12, R.A. 8750), including:
Fine: Php 3,000.00 for every violation, both for PUV driver and operator
9. Failure to wear standard protective motorcycle helmet or require back rider to wear the standard protective motorcycle helmet (R.A. 10054)
Fine: Php 1,500.00 (first offense), Php 3,000.00 (second offense), Php 5,000.00 (third offense), Php 10,000.00 (fourth and succeeding offense)
10. Failure to carry driver’s license, Certificate of Registration, or Official Receipt (OR) while driving a motor vehicle
Fine: Php 1,000.00
11. All other violations of traffic rules and regulations
Fine: Php 1,000.00
12. Driving an unregistered motor vehicle, including:
Fine: Php 10,000.00
Penalty: If non-registration and the violation has exceeded one (1) month, the vehicle will be impounded until registration and payment of fines and penalties. For undocumented engines, the vehicle shall be confiscated, impounded, and barred for one (1) year from payment of the fines.
13. Unauthorized modification, including:
Fine: Php 5,000.00
Penalty: Confiscation until after inspection, correction of defect, and payment of fine.
14. Operating a right hand drive motor
Fine: Php 50,000.00
Penalty: Impounding of vehicle until defect was corrected and the fine was paid, subject to inspection.
15. Operating vehicle without or with defective, improper, or unauthorized accessories, devices, equipment, and parts, including:
Fine: Php 5,000.00
Penalty: The vehicle will be impounded until the accessory, device, equipment or part is properly installed, corrected or removed and the fine was paid. The improper or unauthorized accessory, device, equipment, or part shall be confiscated.
16. Failure to attach or improper attachment, or tampering of authorized motor vehicle license plates and/or third plate sticker, including:
Fine: Php 5,000.00
Penalty: Removal and confiscation of unauthorized plate, accessory and/or device.
17. Smoke belching (Section 46, RA 8749), as well as:
Fine: Php 2,000.00 (first offense), Php 4,000.00 (second offense), Php 6,000.00 (third offense)
Penalty: The motor vehicle shall be impounded and the MV license plate withheld until it passed the standard emission test, attendance to a seminar on pollution control management (for both driver and operator), one (1) year suspension of the Motor Vehicle Registration (MVR) (third offense), suspension of MV Registration for one (1) year (succeeding offense).
18. Fraud related to MV registration or renewal
Fine: Php 3,000.00
Penalty: Impounding of the motor vehicle, MV will be barred from registration for one (1) year from the payment of the fine.
19. All other violation related to motor vehicle registration renewal/operation
Fine: Php 2,000.00
20. Load extending beyond projected width without permit
Fine: Php 1,000.00
21. Axle overloading
Fine: 25% of MVUC at the time of infringement, waived for loads exceeding the registered GVW by a tolerance of less than 5%
22. Operating a passenger bus/truck with cargo exceeding 160 kilograms
Fine: Php 1,000.00 (for both driver and conductor)
23. Colorum Violation, under any of the following circumstances:
Fine: bus – Php 1,000,000.00, truck – Php 200,000.00, Is – Php 50,000.00, van – Php 200,000.00, sedan – Php 120,000.00, MC – Php 6,000.00 (first offense)
Penalty: Minimum impounding of unit for three (3) months, revocation of the ENTIRE Certificate of Public Convenience (“CPC”) where the apprehended vehicle belongs (expect when apprehended vehicle is with private/green plate); blacklisting of the apprehended vehicle and all other authorized units included in the CPC from being used as a public utility vehicle; and revocation of the registration of the apprehended vehicle and all other authorized units included in the franchise (first offense)
Revocation of ALL CPCs of the operator; disqualification of the operator, or corporate stockholders and directors, to operate any kind of public land transportation; blackisting of ALL authorized units (entire fleet) of the operator from being used as public utility vehicle; and revocation of the registration of ALL authorized units (entire fleet) of the operator (second offense)
For private motor vehicles operating as PUV without proper authority from the LTFRB, the LTFRB or RFRBs shall disqualify the registered owner, and corporate stockholders and directors, from operating any kind of public land transportation.
24. Refusal to render service to the public or convey passenger to destination
Fine: Php 5,000.00 (first offense), Php 10,000.00 (second offense), Php 15,000.00 (third and subsequent offense)
Penalty: Cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized (third and subsequent offense)
25. Overcharging or undercharging of fare
Fine: Php 5,000.00 (first offense), Php 10,000.00 (second offense), Php 15,000.00 (third and subsequent offense)
Penalty: Cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized (third and subsequent offense)
26. Failure to provide proper body markings
Fine: Php 5,000.00 (first offense), Php 10,000.00 (second offense), Php 15,000.00 (third and subsequent offense)
Penalty: Cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized (third and subsequent offense)
27. No franchise, Certificate of Convenience (CPC), or any evidence of franchise presented during apprehension or carried inside the motor vehicle*
Fine: Php 5,000.00 (first offense), Php 10,000.00 (second offense), Php 15,000.00 (third and subsequent offense)
Penalty: Cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized (third and subsequent offense)
28. Fraud and falsities such as presentation of fake and spurious CPC, OR/CR, plates, stickers and tags
Penalty: Revocation/Cancellation of franchise or the Certificate of Public Convenience, after due notice of hearing (LTFRB Memorandum Circular No. 2013 – 003)
29. Employing reckless, insolent, discourteous or arrogant drivers
30. Allowing an unauthorized driver to drive PUV or to drive PUV without bringing his/her driver’s license
31. Operating units with defective parts and accessories
32. Failure to provide fare discount to those entitled under existing laws
33. Failure to provide the Board with complete, correct, and updated operator’s information
34. Failure to display “No Smoking” signage
35 Fast, tampered, defective taximeter or operating without or with an old seal taximeter (TX only)*
36. Tampered, broken, joined, reconnected, fake or altered sealing wire (TX only)
37. Violation of color scheme or design / Adoption of new color design without authority from the Board (PUB and TX only)
Fine: Php 5,000.00 (first offense), Php 10,000.00 (second offense), Php 15,000.00 (third and subsequent offense)
Penalty: Cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized (third and subsequent offense)
38. Unregistered or unauthorized trade/business name (PUB and TX only)
39. No Panel Route (PUJ, PUB, UV)
40. No sign board (PUJ, PUB , UV)
41. Pick up and Drop off of Passengers outside the terminal (PUJ, PUB,UV)
42. Carrying of illegal and/or prohibited cargoes
43. Failure to provide fire extinguisher and required “STOP and GO” signage for use of each vehicle (STS only)
44. Trip cutting (PUJ, PUB, UV)
45. Failure to display fare matrix (PUJ,PUB,UV)
46. Breach of franchise conditions under 2011 Revised Terms and Conditions of CPC not otherwise herein provided.
Fine: Php 5,000.00 (first offense), Php 10,000.00 (second offense), Php 15,000.00 (third and subsequent offense)
Penalty: Impounding of unit for thirty (30) days (second offense), cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized (third and subsequent offense)
46. Failure to display the International Symbol of Accessibility inside the units and/or failure to designate seats specifically for the use of Persons with Disabilities or failure or refusal to transport PWD’s (PUJ, PUB, TTS, UV)
Fine: Php 50,000.00 (first offense), Php 75,000.00 plus impounding fee of Php 500.00 per day (second offense), Php 15,000.00 (third and subsequent offense)
Penalty: Impounding of unit for 45 days (second offense), cancellation of CPC where the unit is authorized (third and subsequent offense)
Note: All apprehensions due to violations in connection with franchise, except for colorum violations, shall count offenses against operators and not against a particular motor vehicle or CPC.
Check out this video as uploaded on portal Philippine Assistance channel which indicates the LTO road violations and their corresponding fees: