Sublet agreement form ottawa

student moving to residence

A take over occurs when a student is being replaced by another uOttawa student for the remainder of the residence agreement. A sublet occurs when students with 12-month residence agreements sublet their room over the summer months.

Takeover process

A take over can occur from August 15 preceding the beginning of the agreement up to April 30 of the current residence year. After April 30, a resident who does not need his/her room can sublet it until the end of the contract.

Consequences of a cancellation by takeover

You have a room for a takeover?

  1. Learn more about the Cancellations policies below.
  2. Submit a termination notice: Submit a request for termination, even though you have not yet found someone to replace you.
    A 30-day notice is required. For a termination effective on April 30, you must submit your request by March 31. The form is in theHousing Portal, under the section Your Room, select Terminate Residence Agreement.
  3. Find a replacement: Post an ad in the Student Housing Billboard .
  4. Identify your replacement: In the Housing Portal , section Your Room, go to Room Takeover to identify the person who replaces you.
  5. Approval: Wait for Housing to approve your candidate. You will be notified by email when your termination request is approved. Meanwhile, you can check the status of your takeover request by logging in to the Housing Portal and clicking on the View your Requests option.

Looking to take over a room?

  1. Find a takeover room opportunity on the Student housing billboard
  2. The current resident must fill out a Termination form in the Housing Portal .
  3. Apply: You must apply for the current academic year in the Housing Portal .
  4. Accept your Housing Offer: When the takeover is approved, you will receive a housing offer by email. You must accept the offer on the Housing Portal to have access to the residence.
  5. Move In: Pick up your keys and move in to your new room.

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Sublet process

A sublet occurs when a resident living in either the Annex or 45 Mann is looking to temporarily leave the unit during the summer session and finds another student from a post-secondary institution as a temporary replacement. Occupancy is for a fixed term, usually 4 months, and cannot be renewed.