Non-Refundable Fees and Security Deposit(s) – Any and all deposits or non-refundable fees must be stated in the lease agreement in order for it to be legally acceptable (Statute 33-1321).

Move-in Checklist – The landlord must furnish the tenant with the move-in checklist prior to granting access so they are able to write any defects or repairs needed in order to protect their Security Deposit. The form is advised to be filled-in with the landlord present at the beginning and the end of the term (Statute 33-1321).

Pass-Through Tax – If at any time the local property taxes are increased, the landlord may pass the tax on to the tenant with at least thirty (30) days’ notice. This statement must be in the lease agreement for the lease to be valid (Statute 33-1314).

Providing Lease – Landlord must show the tenant where to find this document. (Statute 33-1322).


Maximum (§33-1321(A)) – One (1) and a half month’s rent.

Returning (§33-1321(D)) – Landlord must return the deposit within fourteen (14) days following the termination of the tenancy.


Landlord has the right to enter the property for any scheduled maintenance with at least two (2) days’ notice (§33-1343). Notice may be oral or written.


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